

Optimizing performance is a crucial aspect of PHP development, ensuring efficient and responsive applications. One area where performance can be improved is by carefully considering the order of variables and functions within if-conditions. By strategically arranging the checks, you can enhance performance by minimizing unnecessary computations, particularly when dealing with complex database queries. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of proper ordering within if-conditions and provide examples in PHP.

Understanding If-Conditions:

If-conditions in PHP allow for controlling the flow of execution based on specific conditions. PHP evaluates each expression within the if-statement to determine its truth value. The order in which these expressions are evaluated can significantly impact the efficiency and performance of your code.

Improving Performance:

To optimize performance, it's crucial to consider the cost and efficiency of each expression within an if-condition. Let's consider an example where we need to perform actions based on a specific value and the result of a complex database query.

  1. Evaluating a Predefined Variable First:

Suppose we have a predefined variable $val that holds a value we want to compare against. If the value we're checking is readily available, it is more efficient to evaluate it first before executing a potentially expensive database query. By doing so, we can potentially avoid unnecessary database operations if the desired condition is satisfied using the predefined variable.

if($val == '123' || $this->getValFromComplicatedQueryFromDB()) {
    // Perform necessary actions

In this example, if $val equals '123', the condition is satisfied, and the necessary actions can be performed without executing the getValFromComplicatedQueryFromDB() function. However, if the comparison fails, the code moves on to evaluate the second part of the condition, which involves a complex database query.

  1. Evaluating a Complex Database Query Second:

If the predefined variable check fails, the next step is to execute the complex database query. By evaluating the complex query after checking the predefined variable, we avoid executing the query unnecessarily, thereby improving performance.

if($this->getValFromComplicatedQueryFromDB() || $val == '123') {
    // Perform necessary actions

In this example, the code first executes the getValFromComplicatedQueryFromDB() function, which performs the complex database query. If the result of the query is true or non-empty, the condition is satisfied, and the necessary actions are executed. Otherwise, if the complex query fails to produce the desired result, the code proceeds to the second part of the condition, comparing $val against '123'.


Optimizing the order of variables and functions within if-conditions is crucial for improving the performance of your PHP code. By carefully arranging the checks, starting with readily available variables and minimizing unnecessary database queries, you can significantly enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of your applications.

Remember to consider the specific requirements and constraints of your application when deciding the order of checks within if-conditions. By employing these optimization techniques, such as evaluating complex database queries after checking predefined variables, you can unlock better performance in your PHP applications, leading to a smoother user experience.